

About me

The name's Puxtril. I don't have a good origin story for that name, I just thought it sounded cool…

I put a big focus on motivation, I believe a good life comes from good work - Not work for cooporations obviously, but personal work/hobbies where the end goal is fulfilling.

My current/latest hobby is extracting game assets. I'm just starting out, but it required some decent background knowledge before embarking. It started back in High school when I wanted to pickup some hobby besides playing video games. I started with Photo editing in GIMP and then Photoshop, then I moved to Source Filmmaker to start my 3D path, and I finally settled with Blender. During that process, I started University for a Computer Science degree, and in my Junior year I took a course on Computer Graphics - a bridge between my 3D hobby and my programming career. Probably the most impactful course I've ever taken.

About this blog

I've never been good with design, thank god software has evolved to the point where I don't need to design websites from scratch. Though I have liked making patterns, which is how this website's background came about.

This blog uses Hexo to generate static files using the Next theme. I store this website's configuration in a tiny config file, and all blog posts (including this about page) in a Markdown file. Then with a simple command, I can generate all files for this website.

This site is hosted on Github Pages, a free web hosting solution. The only limitation is you need to push website updates through Git, and the website needs to be static - meaning no PHP. I also opted to link my custom domain to this site so the URL is cleaner and personalized.